We some freaky muthafukas - luther campbell

Muthafukas freaky we some 22 Dirty

Muthafukas freaky we some Greatest Old

Oh Lord, it's Hard to be Humble...

Muthafukas freaky we some Why Educated

Muthafukas freaky we some Trey Songz's

Muthafukas freaky we some The PSuchologist

Muthafukas freaky we some 22 Dirty

Muthafukas freaky we some Why Educated


Muthafukas freaky we some luther campbell

Why Educated Black Men Won’t Settle Down

Muthafukas freaky we some 22 Dirty


Muthafukas freaky we some luther campbell

Rhymes With Snitch


  • So what I am doing to take my mind off all this shit? BeeGee You would kiss your son with an open mouth at Jayden's age? It is a running joke between the to.

  • Fathers showing their sons affection isn't the problem.

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