Carissa exploited college girls - Carissa Phelps, The Who Stopped Running

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I just did what needed to be done.

  • He was afraid of possible copyright infringement.

  • Terrible abuse: Minh has spoken publicly about how her father started to rape her when she was three years old.

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High School 60 Teenage Girl 54 Friendship 45 Teenager 42 Teen Movie 40 Teenage Boy 37 Female Protagonist 36 Kiss 36 Party 35 Father Daughter Relationship 32 Dancing 31 Best Friend 30 Boyfriend Girlfriend Relationship 28 F Rated 27 Mother Daughter Relationship 27 Brother Sister Relationship 22 Popularity 22 2000s 21 Bare Chested Male 21 Rivalry 20 Teen Angst 20 Car 18 Cell Phone 18 Convertible 18 Dance 18 High School Student 18 Jealousy 18 Los Angeles California 18 Coming Of Age 17 Dating 17 Father Son Relationship 17 Friend 17 Prom 17 School 17 Swimming Pool 17 Underage Drinking 17 Cheerleader 16 Classroom 16 Flashback 16 Teen Comedy 16 Teen Romance 16 Bully 15 Clique 15 Competition 15 Geek 15 Slimehouse 15 Title Spoken By Character 15 Automobile 14 Based On Novel 14 Cult Film 14 Dog 14 Embarrassment 14 Family Relationships 14 Fight 14 Makeover 14 Shower 14 Singing 14 Slow Motion Scene 14 Student 14 Teacher Student Relationship 14 Birthday 13 Female Nudity 13 Mother Son Relationship 13 Panties 13 Singer 13 Title Directed By Female 13 Two Word Title 13 Vomiting 13 African American 12 Beach 12 Car Accident 12 Condom 12 Humiliation 12 Teacher 12 Underwear 12 Basketball 11 Chick Flick 11 Crush 11 Drunkenness 11 First Love 11 Love 11 Marijuana 11 One Word Title 11 Restaurant 11 Single Father 11 Sister Sister Relationship 11 Teenage Protagonist 11 Black Comedy 10 Friendship Between Girls 10 High School Dance 10 Hospital 10 Independent Film 10 Infidelity 10 Locker 10 Male Nudity 10 Nerd 10 Principal 10 Public Humiliation 10 Song 10 Virgin 10.

  • She explained that during that time in her life her mother was battling breast cancer and her friends were isolating her.

  • Carissa, who said she frequently ran away as a cry for attention, took shelter in a group home for troubled youths before taking off for the streets.