Victoria serious gaming - overview for kiwi_seriousgaming

Gaming victoria serious CONFIRMED

overview for kiwi_seriousgaming

Gaming victoria serious overview for

Gaming victoria serious overview for

Gaming victoria serious CONFIRMED

Gaming victoria serious Serious Gaming


Gaming victoria serious Serious Gaming

Gaming victoria serious CONFIRMED

Gaming victoria serious CONFIRMED

overview for kiwi_seriousgaming

Gaming victoria serious CONFIRMED


Gaming victoria serious overview for

overview for kiwi_seriousgaming


Just Google my username and get off at the first link in the results! GameDev Days; 8-9 April; Tallinn, Estonia.

  • If you're especially fond of streamers, who shall not be mentioned, stripped down to their potato sack, then this is the site for you! Two studies evaluated gamification interventions, and the remaining evaluated serious gaming interventions.

  • Gamification - Concepts and Applications.