Wh auden the platonic blow - WH Auden

Platonic the blow auden wh Poem For

WH Auden

Platonic the blow auden wh Poem For

Platonic the blow auden wh The Platonic

The Platonic Blow

Platonic the blow auden wh WH Auden

Platonic the blow auden wh WH Auden

Platonic the blow auden wh The Platonic

Poem For The Day

Platonic the blow auden wh WH Auden

The Platonic Blow

Platonic the blow auden wh Poem For

Platonic the blow auden wh Poem For

Platonic the blow auden wh Poem For

WH Auden

The Platonic Blow

He jumped to his vast library and dashed around it, until the tiny slim, one-poem volume fell out.

  • Auden It was a spring day, a day, a day for a lay when the air Smelled like a locker-room, a day to blow or get blown.

  • May it offend you all: The Platonic Blow A Day For A Lay by W.

Poem For The Day

I came to warm flesh then to hair, I went on.

  • .

  • The afternoon sunlight struck The blond hairs on the wrist near my head.

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