Jessica carter model - Jessica Carter Is Maxim's January/February Cover Model

Model jessica carter Jessica Carter

Celebrities who posed for Playboy

Model jessica carter The undeniable

The undeniable beauty of Victoria Secret’s Jessica Carter — Raine Magazine

Model jessica carter Jessica Carter

Model jessica carter The undeniable

Model jessica carter Jessica Carter

Model jessica carter Jessica Caban

Model jessica carter Chase Carter

Model jessica carter Chase Carter

Celebrities who posed for Playboy

Model jessica carter Jessica Carter

Model jessica carter Celebrities who

Chase Carter

Objective: Gain confidence and gain great pictures in the process.

  • There are times when I do feel overwhelmed but running always helps with that.

  • The principal at that time allowed me to take time off for shoots as long as I handed my work in on time.

Inked Cover Girl

She has appeared in and Galore magazines.

  • Carter has an air of casual unencumbered beauty about her, with sleek platinum blonde tresses, rich brown eyes under lush lashes, and perfectly pouty bee-stung lips.

  • This is really exciting for me that I have this opportunity to be put out there.