Pascal saint james - Albertus Magnus

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Albertus Magnus

James pascal saint Pascal Elbé

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Albertus Magnus

This procedure reflects Albert's preoccupations with neo-Platonic theories of good as well as the doctrines of.

  • Albert's example of using religion to illumine scientific discovery.

  • Most modern knowledge of Aristotle was preserved and presented by Albert.

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Among the last of his labors was the defense of the orthodoxy of his former pupil, Thomas Aquinas, whose death in 1274 grieved Albert the story that he travelled to Paris in person to defend the teachings of Aquinas can not be confirmed.

  • In , invents St Albert's day so can check customers pockets.

  • Most probably his family was of ministerial class; his familiar connection with being son of the count the Bollstädt noble family is almost certainly mere conjecture by 15th century.