Bella italian to english - bella translation in Italian

Italian english bella to FolkWorld #67:

bella figa

Italian english bella to bella

bella translation in Italian

Italian english bella to Italian to

Italian english bella to ASSAI BELLA

Italian english bella to bella figa

Italian english bella to Bella Sera

Bella Sera

Italian english bella to bella translation

Bella ciao

Italian english bella to FolkWorld #67:

Italian english bella to 6 Words

Italian english bella to Jovanotti

Translate Italian to English online

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  • O partigiano portami via, o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao o partigiano portami via che mi sento di morir.

  • Dovevi confessare e farmi fare bella figura.

bella translation in Italian

It consisted of two phases: transplanting the plants and pruning the weeds.

  • Primitive joy of knowingly living life full of days and hours of heartbeats hard to translate, but I think this comes closer.

  • Guarda com'era bella già allora.