Brien Taylor, a teenager from a small town in North Carolina who lived in a trailer, and worked with his mother sorting crabs for a seafood company, was an instant millionaire and highly publicized New York Yankee prospect.
In 2007, Bryan graduated from Morgan State University with a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration with a minor in Marketing.
I know what that feels like as a model and I understand what it takes to get a model to do what I need them to do, especially if they are underdeveloped.
He continues to work with many modeling agencies in New York including: Major, Click, Red, Wilhelmina, Re:Quest and Q Model Management.
On the evening of December 18, 1993, Taylor was at a bar with his brother and a friend when a fight broke out.
A flame throwing lefty with great command and nasty breaking pitches, playing in the greatest city in the world for an iconic franchise; the Ace of the Yankees.