Liliana garcia hearts - Liliana Hearts Bio, Age, Height, Weight, Boyfriend, Profile & Life Facts

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Liliana Hearts Bio, Age, Height, Weight, Boyfriend, Profile & Life Facts

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Lilianaheartsss Tik Tok, how old is she, boyfriend?

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Garcia hearts liliana Liliana Hearts

Liliana Hearts Bio, Age, Height, Weight, Boyfriend, Profile & Life Facts

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Lilianaheartsss Tik Tok, how old is she, boyfriend?

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Garcia hearts liliana Liliana Hearts

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Lilianaheartsss Tik Tok, how old is she, boyfriend?

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Also According to her YouTube channel, her real name is Liliana Garcia, and she was born on January 23, 1999 age 22 in the United States, making her a Mexicana and Jalisco ethnicity American.

  • Likewise moving on to her personal life, the specifics of her family history are investigating.

  • She is from the United States of America and is 21 years old.

Liliana Hearts Bio, Age, Height, Weight, Boyfriend, Profile & Life Facts

She is seen on Instagram sharing images with her father.

  • I see this world as a game, where players are given certain tasks having different levels starting from level one to level infinity until we succeed in it.

  • She has a height of 5 ft 1 inches and she weighs 56 kg.