Brenna sparks family strokes - A stroke at age 30 sparks questions about family's health history

Strokes family brenna sparks A stroke

A stroke at age 30 sparks questions about family's health history

Strokes family brenna sparks A stroke

Strokes family brenna sparks A stroke

A stroke at age 30 sparks questions about family's health history

Strokes family brenna sparks A stroke

Strokes family brenna sparks A stroke

A stroke at age 30 sparks questions about family's health history

Strokes family brenna sparks A stroke

Strokes family brenna sparks A stroke

A stroke at age 30 sparks questions about family's health history

Strokes family brenna sparks A stroke

Strokes family brenna sparks A stroke

Strokes family brenna sparks A stroke

A stroke at age 30 sparks questions about family's health history

Monifa Thomas-Nguyen with her son, Marcus, in November 2020.

  • She temporarily moved back home with her parents in Atlanta as she recovered.

  • At the hospital, Jackson noticed Thomas-Nguyen struggled to answer simple questions.

A stroke at age 30 sparks questions about family's health history

From behind the thick metal door, Jackson could hear her childhood friend moaning.

  • But when I talk, I don't always sound that way because I have difficulty getting words out.

  • Her mom has since had two more strokes that left her cognitively impaired.