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Mimi belle and Days of

Days of our Lives News: Last Blast Reunion: Philip Tells Belle Chloe Is Dead

Mimi belle and Online Menu

Mimi Lockhart

Mimi belle and Days of

Belle Black

Mimi belle and Belle/Mimi/Shawn

Mimi belle and Who's Who

Mimi belle and Days of

Mimi belle and Who's Who

Mimi belle and Mimi Lockhart

Mimi belle and Talk:Mimi Lockhart

Mimi belle and Mimi Lockhart

Days of our Lives News: Last Blast Reunion: Philip Tells Belle Chloe Is Dead

When Rex overheard Belle arguing with Mimi, he learned about the abortion and left Mimi… and Salem.

  • His attempt to stop the wedding failed and Belle and Philip were married.

  • She is also one half of the supercouple.