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Bronte D'Acquisto

Anyone else notice how quiet the room got when the Texan said where he was from? As controversies seem to get more frequent, the show continues to move away from what initially made it compelling.

  • She isn't shy about admitting to her math prowess and education, though, which are warranted for bragging rights, sure, but let's not pretend like Bronte doesn't also have a career in show business that she's chosen to keep on the down low.

  • In theory, the show is a fascinating social experiment, and the strategy and manipulation inherent to the game have produced some truly memorable moments, like and.

EXCLUSIVE: Showmance Alert! New 'Big Brother' Cast Have Their Eye on Love

Amber backdoors Victor, smart move considering he was pulled off the block twice.

  • Going into Big Brother, you really need to have some evil in you.

  • Frank is a piece of shit.