It also belongs to the Virgo Cluster and is one of its larger member galaxies.
Both Hathor and Isis were linked to the star Spica in the ancient constellation which was centered around the modern constellation of Virgo because the star first appeared around harvest time.
This Masonic Temple is viewed by occultists as the true spiritual heart of Washington, D.
America truly can be the Economic Babylon of Revelation 18! Image Credit: Jean-Claude Merlin using a 27 inch 70cm Reflector Naturally, the constellation is an especially rich target for deep-sky stargazing with a , and includes an impressive 11 galaxy-related Messier objects, of which roughly 60% are spirals, 30% ellipticals, and the rest irregular galaxies.
Every year the Sun is within six degrees of Spica from October 12 to 23 and is exact around October 16, 17 and 18.
Thomas Paine, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and countless others who were involved in signing the Declaration of Independence were all Freemasons or members of some other sect.