Valerie perrine bikini - VIDEO ZETA ONE: Steambath (1973)

Perrine bikini valerie Whatever Happened

Perrine bikini valerie VIDEO ZETA

Perrine bikini valerie Whatever Happened

Perrine bikini valerie Whatever Happened

VIDEO ZETA ONE: Steambath (1973)

Perrine bikini valerie VIDEO ZETA

Perrine bikini valerie Whatever Happened

VIDEO ZETA ONE: Steambath (1973)

Perrine bikini valerie Whatever Happened

Whatever Happened to Valerie Perrine?

Perrine bikini valerie Whatever Happened

Perrine bikini valerie Whatever Happened

VIDEO ZETA ONE: Steambath (1973)

Perrine bikini valerie Whatever Happened

VIDEO ZETA ONE: Steambath (1973)


  • Indeed, there are plenty of cringey lame moments the R2-D2 segment, the gay singer dancers, the long self-important stories told by each steam bath occupant.

  • Mentioning her work in Superman 1 and 2 however might create a bit more understanding since a lot of people tend to go by movies and accomplishments instead of remembering a person for who they were.

VIDEO ZETA ONE: Steambath (1973)

I imagine the idea of god being a Puerto Rican janitor was a bit scandalous back then, but it's pretty lame now.

  • He's the last one left in the steambath.

  • Show business is cruel kind of mistress at times as it builds some people up and allows others to fall by the wayside.