Spark go wild - Spark gone wild!

Wild spark go Week 8:

Wild spark go Spark gone

Week 8: San Francisco 49ers 33, Chicago Bears 22

Wild spark go Week 8:

Wild spark go Spark gone

Wild spark go Week 8:

Wild spark go Spark gone

Week 8: San Francisco 49ers 33, Chicago Bears 22

Wild spark go Week 8:

Wild spark go Spark gone

Wild spark go Spark gone

Spark gone wild!

Wild spark go Week 8:

Spark gone wild!

Spark gone wild!

Hello, I've been a PhantomPilots member for a couple of years but this is my first post on SparkPilots.

  • Then everything fell apart against the San Francisco 49ers.

  • .

Spark gone wild!

I bought it used last Fall and it worked fine until recently.

  • Yesterday evening my son he's the better pilot and I took it for a flight to try some troubleshooting and it went crazy.

  • It started out with just a few compass errors, switching into Atti mode, and brief loss of control.