Shirogane sama a guy - Naoto Shirogane

Sama a guy shirogane Nendoroid Miyuki

Sama a guy shirogane Papa Shirogane

Nendoroid Miyuki Shirogane

Sama a guy shirogane Kaguya

Sama a guy shirogane Miyuki Shirogane/Relationships

Sama a guy shirogane Shirogane/Artwork Gallery

[Serious] Miyuki Shirogane is a textbook nice guy. : Kaguya_sama

Sama a guy shirogane Naoto Shirogane

Miyuki Shirogane/Relationships

Sama a guy shirogane Miyuki Shirogane

Can a man follow Shirogane's daily routine? : Kaguya_sama

Sama a guy shirogane Discover shirogane_sama

Sama a guy shirogane Kaguya

Sama a guy shirogane Papa Shirogane


Can a man follow Shirogane's daily routine? : Kaguya_sama

It is revealed in that the causants of his factory's failure were the.

  • He finds Kaguya beautiful and has openly said it a few times.

  • To be honest, I feel a little relieved.

Ciri by Shirogane

While the cosplayer's costume was spectacular, the cosplay was truly complete as they played a replica of the game's Holy Lyre of the Heavens.

  • The rest is because he was abandoned by his mother as a child when he didn't meet her insanely high standards.

  • His fellow students consider him an expert in a variety of subjects, unbeknownst that he's only good at studying.